What I can help with…

My help often begins with a phone call, whether it is from a school, a SENCo, a parent or a council education officer. What follows is an important ‘getting to know you’ chat. Our lessons will be successful if I know what you are trying to achieve, what you find easy or hard, what you feel is causing you difficulty in learning and if there are any particular needs you have already identified. If agreed, I usually follow up with a conversation with your school teacher. I find it helps if we all have the same goal in mind. If possible, I will also look at your schoolbooks and perhaps ask you to write me a story or show off your maths skills with a quiz.

  • KS1 & KS2

    I teach the full curriculum in school and for home-schooled pupils. Outside school hours, when children need extra support, I focus on phonics, reading comprehension, writing and maths to build confidence and skills.

    I have taught as a Year 6 teacher for several years preparing children for their SATs and their move to secondary school. As a tutor, I have supported several children in this crucial year with catchup and revision lessons.

  • 11+ & 13+ preparation

    I have prepared several children for entry to independent schools in Wiltshire, focusing on reading comprehension, language analysis, writing, maths and verbal reasoning. Often the knowledge and skills required are at a level not covered in Year 6 or 7. It is important to start preparation early to allow children to be well-rounded, confident, and familiar with the tests.

  • KS3 & KS4 English Language & Literature (including GCSE)

    With over 10 years tutoring in English Language and Literature, I both teach the syllabus and support students through revision for these important GCSEs. I am currently teaching for both the AQA and Edexcel boards. For English Language, the focus is on reading skills, language and structural analysis, making comparisons and a sound knowledge of how to frame your answers to achieve your best grade. For English Literature, the focus is on knowledge of the texts while building skills in answering questions explaining how meanings are constructed with particular emphasis on characters, settings and themes.

  • KS3 Maths (catchup)

    I also work with pupils in Key Stage 3 who feel that maths is not for them or it is simply too hard. Often their knowledge of KS2 maths is not secure or complete and I offer catchup lessons to build confidence, change mindsets and round out knowledge and skills so that they are prepared for the end of Year 9 exams and the GCSE syllabus.

  • KS3-5 History

    My first degree was in history and I enjoy teaching this subject at any level. I have worked with pupils throughout secondary school focusing on building knowledge and developing critical thinking skills while also teaching them how to frame their answers so that they reach success in their studies.